Visiting Faculty Program
Developing A Culture Of Giving Back
Ali I. Musani, MD
Ahmed Aziz, MD (Co-Chair)
Shahid Hussain, MD
Umna Ashfaq, MD
Fazal Zaidi, MD
Aims and Objectives:
- Develop self-sustainable education and training programs for Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS)/Pakistan.
- Establish a team of educators and trainers from the USA and Pakistan to run these programs on an ongoing basis.
- Perform continuous needs assessment at DUHS, the Civil Hospital Karachi and other medical institutions to address them in a focused and expeditious manner.
- To encourage junior faculty of DUHS by establishing grants and awards in research and scientific writing.
- Assist medical students of DUHS/Pakistan in getting international exposure by inviting them to the US, Europe and other regions with advanced medical education and training.
- Assist medical graduates of DUHS/Pakistan in securing training spots in the US, Europe and other countries with advanced medical education and training.
First Interventional Gastroenterology Hands on Symposium:
In the fall of 2013, nationally and internationally renowned interventional gastroenterologist, Dr. Abdul Nadir (class of 89-2 DMC) chaired the first interventional GI symposium at DUHS with the local faculty. Dr. Nadir specializes in Interventional gastroenterology and Hepatology. He has dozens of publications on these topics. He frequently volunteers his time teaching in Pakistan. He gave several lectures on endoscopy and interventional gastroenterology, as well as performed numerous complex procedures on deserving patients. Local faculty took an active role in learning these novel techniques and honing their skills under the expert supervision of Dr. Abdul Nadir. The feed back from the local GI specialists was overwhelming. VFP plans to organize similar symposium with hands on skills development program in the near future. We always welcome volunteers interested in transferring knowledge and skills to Pakistan. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering time for this noble cause please contact Ali Musani MD (musania@njhealth.org).
DOGANA Leadership Academic Symposium:
At the end of 2013, a team of Dowites and DOGANA leadership visited DUHS for an annual retreat and utilized this occasion for wonderful academic activities. Several lectures and hands on training courses were organized benefiting the local patients and physicians.
Pediatric Gastroenterology Mentorship by VFP:
In the works is a robust program of Dowites visiting DUHS in tandem to our last Adult Interventional GI workshop to provide ongoing training of GI faculty and fellows in state of the art technologies. DOGANA has taken a bold leadership in this program and is working with DUHS leadership to start this program in 2014. The Pediatric GI program will cross train fellows and faculty from DUHS in Pakistan (under VF tutelage from DOGANA) and in the US with our sponsorship at our institutions.
Interventional Pulmonology Seminar and Hands on Workshop:
Over the last few years there have been several lectures on cutting edge technologies in Interventional Pulmonology (IP) at DUHS and Dow International (DIMC) by DOGANA leadership. We now plan to start hands on skills development in these technologies for DUHS /the Civil Hospital faculty. There is a tremendous interest in bringing the pulmonary medicine at DUHS to international standards.
Similar courses and conferences in Critical Care, Neurology, Nephrology, Thoracic surgery, Neonatology, and Trauma surgery are among the long list of disciplines we are working to develop. If you or someone you know has an expertise and has interest in participating in any of these courses, please contact VFP chair Ali Musani MD at musania@njhealth.org
Lets give back to the community that made us what we are today.